Nov 27, 2022
329d 20h 36m 36s Ago
Public Bio
Passed out at a bar in Franklin Kentucky back in 82 woke up new Zealand in an aluminum troth full of ice with patch work done to my side. I found my way back to the states and had a cat scan done and discovered I now have 2 additional kidneys 1 additional liver and 5 hearts. Upon this discovery my spouse filed for divorce and essentially claimed half of these new organs as hers but jokes on her, she only got appendixes, tonsils and wisdom teeth which my head was riddled with. No regrets honestly
Profile Sections
Friendship Levels
Game Stats
Net Worth16,708,331,539
Crops Planted9,084
Fish Caught1,378
Best Streak664
Items Crafted40,846
Explore Count308,262
Meals Cooked0
Meals Stirred0
Meals Tasted0
Meals Seasoned0
Requests Complete385
Personal Requests3
Items Mastered2
Items Grand Mastered1
Items Mega Mastered0
Items Donated1,808
Wheel Spins107
Vault Codes Cracked48
Well Tosses65
Buddyjack Wins0
Friended By3
Runestones Found
Level 3
Level 3
HP loveslab
Level 3
Astral sepulchre
Level 3
Hostile bathroom
Level 3
You know who
Level 3
Sloshed on Tylenol
Level 3
My cousin ate a dog
Level 3